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Los Pulitzer de 2011


This handout photograph titled "Life Amid the Ruins" by Carol Guzy of the Washington Post won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography as announced in New York, April 18, 2011. A couple holds hands and walks amid the wreckage of their country's wounded landscape. Experts familiar with the rebuilding efforts in Haiti say relief work is finally speeding up under the guidance of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. The group has set a goal of removing 40 percent of the earthquake rubble by October and has approved projects such as highways, apartment buildings and 250 temporary schools for children. But even with these projects underway, rebuilding Haiti will take many years. REUTERS/Carol Guzy/Washington Post/Handout  (UNITED STATES - Tags: MEDIA) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. MANDATORY CREDIT

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Ayer se dieron a conocer los ganadores de los premios Pulitzer de 2011, los máximos galardones del periodismo en los USA. En la categoría de fotografía "Breaking News" fueron premiados tres fotógrafos del Washington Post por su cobertura del terremoto en Haiti. Estos fotógrafos son Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn y Ricky Carioti. Aquí tenéis algunas de las imágenes de su trabajo. Una de ellas tiene como protagonistas a bomberos españoles como cuenta Susana Hidalgo en su artículo "Un Pulitzer con sabor español" donde también sigue la pista del niño que fue encontrado entre los escombros.

This handout photograph by Carol Guzy of the Washington Post won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography as announced in New York April 18, 2011. Cindy Tersme throws herself amid the rubble of Ecole St. Gerard, Haiti, screaming in anguish as she searches for her brother Jean Gaelle Dersmorne, 14. "I can see my brother's feet but can't pull him out," she said, weeping. REUTERS/Carol Guzy/Washington Post/Handout  (Tags: MEDIA) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. MANDATORY CREDIT


This handout photograph titled "Prayer" by Nikki Kahn of the Washington Post won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography as announced in New York, April 18, 2011. Survivors participate in a day of prayer at Champs du Mars in Port-au-Prince. Almost no one, it seemed, was spared tragedy. In a country whose government has all but collapsed, whose feeble economy has been crushed and whose people have been left destitute, the challenges were daunting. REUTERS/Nikki Kahn/Washington Post/Handout  (UNITED STATES - Tags: MEDIA) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. MANDATORY CREDIT

This handout photograph titled "Death of Innocence" by Carol Guzy of the Washington Post won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography as announced in New York, April 18, 2011. A Haitian man tries to rescue a live teacher trapped amid the rubble of the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince as he crawls past a schoolgirl that perished at her desk when Ecole St. Gerard collapsed. REUTERS/Carol Guzy/Washington Post/Handout  (UNITED STATES - Tags: MEDIA) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. MANDATORY CREDIT


FILE - In this Jan. 2010 photo submitted by the Washington Post tilted  "Rescue", a tiny baby named Reggie Claude is rescued from the rubble of his home. Disaster relief workers and family members rejoiced as Oscar Vega carried the child through the streets.   The Washington Post has won a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography on Monday, April 18, 2011 for images taken in Haiti following the earthquake there.  The winning photographers are Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti.  (AP Photo/The Washington Post, Carol Guzy)

PUL03 PUERTO PRÍNCIPE (HAITÍ) 19/04/11.- Una fotografía facilitada hoy, martes, 19 de abril de 2011 por el consejo de los prestigiosos galardones de periodismo, los Pulitzer, que muestra a un niño mientras se lava con agua contaminada unos meses después del terremoto de Haití­ de enero de 2010. La foto es parte de una serie de fotos sobre la catástrofe de Haití­ tomadas por Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn y Ricky Carioti, de The Washington Post. El consejo de los Pulitzer anunció anoche 18 de abril de 2011 que esta serie de fotos ganó un Pulitzer en la categoría de fotografí­a de última hora. EFE/The Washington Post/Ricky Carioti/HO ***SOLO USO EN EL CONTEXTO DE LOS PREMIOS PULITZER ***SOLO USO EDITORIAL ***PROHIBIDA SU VENTA***


FILE - In this Jan. 2010 photo submitted by the Washington Post tilted "The Elderly"  Idamise Pierre leans against a tree as she waits to bathe at the Azil Communal Home for the Aging.  The Washington Post has won a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography on Monday, April 18, 2011 for images taken in Haiti following the earthquake there.  The winning photographers are Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti.  (AP Photo/The Washington Post,Nikki Kahn)

FILE - In this Jan. 2010 photo submitted by the Washington Post tilted  "The Moment Time Stopped," survivors piled bodies of the dead outside for weeks after earthquake in Port-au-Prince.  The Washington Post has won a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography on Monday, April 18, 2011 for images taken in Haiti following the earthquake there.  The winning photographers are Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti.  (AP Photo/The Washington Post, Carol Guzy)

En la segunda categoría fotográfica de los Pulitzer con título de  "Feature Photography" ha sido premiado un trabajo de Barbara Davidson de Los Angeles Times sobre las víctimas de la violencia entre bandas. Barbara comentaba así su trabajo que ha sido realizado en un año en el que han bajado todas las cifras de crimenes violentos: "Los números no importan. Esta no es una historia sobre estadisticas. Es una historia sobre familias que han visto cambiadas sus vidas para siempre por estos sucesos increiblemente injustos en los que se han visto envueltos”. Aquí podéis ver su reportaje al completo si no quedáis satisfechos con esta selección.

FILE -  This photo submitted by the Los Angles Times is part of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning entry for Feature Photography,  Miracle lifts her mother's leg as Rose Smith slides into her wheelchair in Los Angeles. The family had stem cells from Miracles's umbilical cord reserved in hopes that doctors may one day use them to help restore feeling in Smith's spine.   The Los Angeles Times has won a  Pulitzer Prize for  feature photography on Monday, April 18, 2011.   The feature photography Pulitzer went to Barbara Davidson.  (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Barbara Davidson)

FILE -  This photo submitted by the Los Angles Times is part of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning entry for Feature Photography,  Jamiel Shaw Sr. kneels before Jas' coffin during funeral services in Los Angeles.   Standing, from left, are Jas' mother, Anitia Shaw; his brother, Thomas; and aunt Althea Shaw.  The Los Angeles Times has won a  Pulitzer Prize for  feature photography on Monday, April 18, 2011.   The feature photography Pulitzer went to Barbara Davidson.  (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Barbara Davidson)

FILE -  This photo submitted by the Los Angles Times is part of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning entry for Feature Photography,  Rashaun Williams, 29, weeps with exhaustion after coming home for the first time after being shot and badly wounded by a stray bullet in South Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Times has won a  Pulitzer Prize for  feature photography on Monday, April 18, 2011.   The feature photography Pulitzer went to Barbara Davidson.  (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Barbara Davidson)

FILE -  This photo submitted by the Los Angles Times is part of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning entry for Feature Photography,  from left, Josue, Katherine, Kevin, Kimberlin and Oscar share a one-bedroom apartment with their mother.   The Los Angeles Times has won a  Pulitzer Prize for  feature photography on Monday, April 18, 2011.   The feature photography Pulitzer went to Barbara Davidson.  (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Barbara Davidson)

FILE -  This photo submitted by the Los Angles Times is part of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning entry for Feature Photography,  a dove is released at the recent memorial service for 5-year-old Aaron Jerel Shannon Jr., who died after he was shot in the head by a stray bullet on Halloween. Shannon had been modeling his new Spider-Man costume in the backyard of his South Los Angeles home.  The Los Angeles Times has won a  Pulitzer Prize for  feature photography on Monday, April 18, 2011.   The feature photography Pulitzer went to Barbara Davidson.  (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Barbara Davidson)

