
Opinión · La mesa de luz

9/11 El atentado más mediático de la historia


== With AFP Story by Michel MOUTOT: US-attacks-911-anniversary-Qaeda,ADVANCER-ANALYSIS ==  (FILES): This September 11, 2001 file photo shows a hijacked commercial plane approaching the World Trade Center shortly before crashing into the landmark skyscraper in New York City.  Osama bin Laden failed in his lifetime to achieve his goal of "bleeding America to bankruptcy," but 10 years after 9/11 the United States is still paying a steep economic price.  Ten years after the 9/11 attacks triggered a massive operation against Al-Qaeda, the group is battered and its historic leader is dead but offshoots in Yemen and the Sahel remain a potent threat.  AFP PHOTO / Files / SETH MCALLISTER == FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==

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A fallback.

Mañana domingo 11 de septiembre de 2011 se cumple el décimo aniversario del ataque a las torres gemelas y los compañeros de la web de Pú le dedican un especial. En la Mesa de Luz os presento esta edición gráfica de aquel trágico día. No hay duda alguna de que se trata del atentado terrorista más mediático de la historia. Tras estrellarse el primer avión secuestrado, cadenas de todo el mundo retransmitieron imágenes de lo que parecía ser un accidente aéreo en el centro financiero de Nueva York. Minutos después millones de personas de todo el mundo verían en directo como se estrellaba un segundo avión. Era un ataque terrorista.

No sólo se pudo ver por televisión. El ataque tenía lugar en el centro de la metrópolis de Nueva York a primera hora de la mañana y toda la ciudad alzaba su mirada hacia el cielo, hacia las torres, justo en el trágico instante del choque del segundo aeroplano. Este instante decisivo fue captado por múltiples cámaras de fotos y de video, documentando a la perfección desde diferentes ángulos el ataque. Incluso existe el video y la fotografía del momento en el que el Presidente de los USA, George W. Bush es informado de lo que ocurre.


En el Newseum, museo de las noticias de Washington, hay una sala donde se expone la antena de la torre norte y objetos personales de un fotógrafo fallecido mientras cubría la noticia. Allí se comentaba que solo tres tipos de personas corrian hacia las torres aquel día: Los policias, los bomberos y los periodistas. Y muchos de estos tres colectivos dejaron la vida haciendo su trabajo.

Del mismo modo que para una generación era pregunta habitual "¿Dónde estabas cuando mataron a JFK?", para nosotros la pregunta "¿Dónde estabas el 11-S?" es tema de conversación sobre todo cuando se acerca el aniversario. Podéis responder a esta pregunta en el especial que han preparado los compañeros de la web. Yo voy a contaros mi historía aquí, en la Mesa de Luz


Yo tenía 21 años y trabajaba haciendo la suplencia del fotógrafo Jesús Maqueda en la Gaceta de los Negocios. A muchos les entrará la risa al saber que trabajé allí antes de ser editor en Público. He de decir que en aquella época seguía siendo un diario económico y no el diario generalista que todos conocéis. Volvía bolsa al hombro de hacer una entrevista con un becario a los creadores del videojuego Commandos y fuimos a un bar cerca de la redacción a comer algo. En la televisión retransmitían en directo imágenes de las torres tras estrellarse el primer avión. Nos sentamos en la barra con el el jefe de internacional a nuestro lado. Pudimos ver en directo como se estrellaba el segundo avión. Acto seguido el jefe de internacional apuraba su copita post-almuerzo y salía disparado a la redacción de la calle pantoja.

Al llegar a la Gaceta todo el mundo miraba las televisiones. Ya habían caido las torres cuando llega el director y nos manda volver al trabajo. Todos se pusieron a ello. Yo volví a la mesa un poco aturdido por todo y pensando que el fin del mundo estaba cerca.


Suelo decir que yo hice la foto de la portada de la Gaceta del 11 de septiembre... Y aunque no lo crean es cierto. El diario que salió a la calle el 11 de septiembre de 2011 llevaba una fotografía a toda página de una entrevista a un gurú de las finanzas firmada por José Pujol. Evidentemente la foto de portada de la Gaceta del 12 de septiembre fue hecha por un fotógrafo en Nueva York y pasada por una agencia de noticias... Es probable que fuera alguna de estas:

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) The north tower of the World Trade Center burns in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Jeff Christensen/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) United Airlines Flight 175 is seen moments before slamming into the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  REUTERS/Sean Adair/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) A combination photo shows United Airlines Flight 175 impacting the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  REUTERS/Sean Adair/Files   (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, the twin towers of the World Trade Center burn behind the Empire State Building in New York. (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler, File)

FILE - This Aug. 11, 1998 file photo shows Associated Press photographer Marty Lederhandler outside The Associated Press headquarters at 50 Rockefeller Plaza in New York. On Sept. 11, 2001, Lederhandler knew the real story was downtown. But he also knew that the trains weren't going that way, and his 84-year-old legs wouldn't carry him that far. "If there's obstacles in your path, you try some other way," he had said in an interview. "You go behind. You go in back. You go up high." Lederhandler took the elevator to the 65th floor and the famed Rainbow Room at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, which he knew would offer a stunning view of the Empire State Building and the Twin Towers beyond, and began shooting. "The only other story that compares to this is D-Day," said Lederhandler, who died in March 2010 at the age of 92. "In a way ... it's a fitting end to my career with The Associated Press _ covering the biggest story that ever happened in New York." (AP Photo/Ed Bailey, File)

Marty Lederhandler es uno de los fotógrafos que retrató el 11-S. Con sus 84 años no podía ir al downtown tras la historía, tras la noticia. "Si encuentras obstaculos en tu camino, has de intentarlo de otra manera" se dijo Marty, "Vas por detras. Vuelves sobre tus pasos. O subes muy alto". Y eso hizo, subió a lo más alto del edificio del Rockefeller Center e hizo la foto que tenéis más arriba del mítico Empire State con las Torres Gemelas humeantes al fondo. Una imagen diferente e icónica de aquel día.

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, Chief of Staff Andy Card whispers into the ear of President George W. Bush to give him word of the plane crashes into the World Trade Center, during a visit to the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla. (AP Photo/Doug Mills)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) The twin towers of the World Trade Center pour smoke in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  REUTERS/Brad Rickerby/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, smoke billows from the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

This May 2010 photo by Sergio Lopez shows Gulnara Samoilova. On Sept. 11, 2001, Samoilova's apartment was just four blocks from the World Trade Center. She grabbed her camera and a handful of film, and headed into the street. She was standing right beneath the south tower, its smoking vertical bulk filling her 85mm lens. She saw the tower begin to crumble and got off one more shot before someone nearby screamed, "RUN!" The force of the collapse "was like a mini-earthquake," and she was knocked off her feet. People began trampling her. "I was afraid I would die right there," the 46-year-old photographer says. She got up just as the cloud was about to envelop her. She dove behind a car and crouched. Like "a strong wind," the storm of debris rocked the car, filling her eyes, mouth, nose and ears with the tower's pulverized remains. She gasped for breath. "It was very dark and silent," she says. "I thought I was buried alive." Suddenly, she could hear the fluttering of thousands of pieces of paper. She had survived. As she looked down Fulton Street, other survivors began limping out of the mist. She stepped out from behind the car and began shooting. (AP Photo/Sergio Lopez)

El apartamento de la fotógrafa Gulnara Samoilova estaba a cuatro manzanas del World Trade Center. No dudo un instante, cogió su cámara y película y salió a la calle. Estaba frente a la torre sur con su lente de 85mm, bajo las dos torres como se ve en la imagen en blanco y negro de más arriba. Vió como la torre sur comenzó a derrumbarse y sacó una última foto antes de que alguién junto a ella gritase "¡Corred!". Esa es la foto que se muestra a continuación. "Era como un pequeño terremoto" y cuenta que tropezó y cayó al suelo. La gente empezó a pisotearla. "Me preocupaba morir ahi mismo" cuenta Gulnara. La nube le alcanza justo al levantarse y se esconde tras un coche. "Todo estaba muy oscuro y en silencio", dice. "Pensé que había sido enterrada viva". Pero había sobrevivido y continuó fotografiando a los supervivientes. Dos de esas imágenes son las que se muestran más abajo.

**FILE** The south tower of New York's World Trade Center, left, begins to collapse after a terrorist attack on the buildings as shown in this Sept. 11, 2001, file photo. Federal investigators believe the second World Trade Center tower fell much more quickly than the first because it faced a more concentrated, intense fire inside, officials said Tuesday. Oct. 19, 2004. Investigators have singled out this Associated Press photograph that they said may provide evidence to support their theory which shows a "kink" in the building's corner at the 106th floor. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova, FILE)

FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, people covered in dust walk over debris near the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, Julie McDermott, center, is helped by others as they make their way through the debris near the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, the south tower starts to collapse as smoke billows from both buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Jim Collins)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

(FILES) This September 11, 2001 file photo shows Marcy Borders covered in dust as she takes refuge in an office building after one of the World Trade Center towers collapsed when commercial planes crashed into them in New York. US citizens were having breakfast before going to work when terrorists calmly boarded flights they will hijack and smash into New York, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing nearly 3,000.   AFP PHOTO/Stan HONDA/FILES

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) A man covered with ash walks in the street following the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) A group of firefighters walk amid the rubble near the base of the destroyed south tower of the World Trade Center in New York in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Peter Morgan/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, people flee lower Manhattan across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York after a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 file photo, firefighters walk through the rubble of the collapsed World Trade Center buildings after terrorists crashed two airliners into the towers. (AP Photo/Shawn Baldwin)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) NASA handout image, shows a true-color image of lower Manhattan and the smoldering World Trade Center, taken by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) aboard the Landsat 7 satellite on September 12, 2001. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/NASA/Handout/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) Emergency crews conduct a search and rescue exercise amidst the rubble of the World Trade Center in New York in this September 14, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  REUTERS/U.S. Navy/Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson/Handout/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER ANNIVERSARY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS

FILE - This Saturday morning, Sept. 15, 2001 file picture shows the Statue of Liberty from a vantage point in Jersey City, N.J., as the lower Manhattan skyline is shrouded in smoke following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Dan Loh)

ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS FILE PICTURE IS ONE OF 83 TO ACCOMPANY THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS. SEARCH FOR KEYWORD "9/11" TO SEE ALL THE IMAGES (PXP901-PXP983) President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in this September 11, 2001 file photo. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Larry Downing/Files  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME DISASTER POLITICS ANNIVERSARY)

Ese 11 de septiembre, cuando el director nos hizo volver al trabajo, estaba demasiado aturdido por la noticia, preocupado. Pero Rosa, fotógrafa y editora en la Gaceta, me dijo algo que me hizo reaccionar, una bofetada que aun sigue haciéndome efecto cuando ocurren cosas horribles en el mundo y nos llegan las fotos al periódico. Me dijo algo parecido a esto: "no te preocupes, ha muerto mucha gente y la única consecuencia es que morirá otra tanta en paises lejanos. Tú sigue trabajando". Ese 11 de septiembre editamos las fotos que ilustraron el diario al día siguiente. Fue toda una experiencia vivir esta noticia en un medio de comunicación. Ya han pasado 10 años y estas trágicas e impactantes fotos me traen recuerdos de aquella época... 11 de septiembre de 2001.

